Getting Started

  1. Contact us, we will discuss a pricing for your project and create you an account.
  2. Create a GitHub issue letting your community know that you intend to use the Lsos, such as wildcard-api#56.
  3. Add the Lsos library.
    import { verify } from "lsos"; // npm install lsos
      // Your project's name
      projectName: "My Open Source Project",
      // Your npm package that calls this `verify()` function
      npm: "my-open-source-project",
      // Never block users
      trustMode: true,
    Larger projects will see a console.warn telling them that an activation key is required. (Smaller projects don't need an activation key, more infos at the FAQ.)
    With trustMode: true the Lsos library never blocks your users from using your code. We recommend using trust mode at the beginning and afterwards, if you are not satisfied with your revenue, to consider using enforce mode.
  4. [Optional] Add an Lsos label to your readme/website.